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ADMISSION Form / Examination Form

1. Registration Details / पंजीयन का विवरण * अनिवार्य फिल्डस (Mandatory fields)
Courses / पाठ्यक्रम *
Student full name / आवेदक का पूरा नाम *
( Full name as per the highest / latest qualification certificate or legal certificate )
Father's Name / पिता का नाम *
( Full Name As Per Educational/Legal Certificate )
Mother's Name / माता का नाम *
( Full Name As Per Educational/Legal Certificate )
Date of Birth / जन्म दिनांक * (dd-Mon-yyyy) - -
( As per high school certificate in 'dd-Mon-yyyy' format. i.e. '01-Jan-1990' )
Gender / लिंग *
Address / पता *
Pin Code / पिन कोड *
State / राज्य *
Email Address / ईमेल पता
Mobile Number / मोबाइल नंबर *
Academic Qualification / शैक्षिक योग्यता *
Center Code / केंद्र कोड *
Voter ID#/Adhaar ID/PAN /मतदाता आईडी /आधार आईडी / पैन *
Exam Mode / परीक्षा मोड *
Examination Center / परीक्षा केंद्र *
Study Mode / अध्ययन मोड *
Upload Photo / फोटो अपलोड करें *

( JPG,JPEG,GIF,PNG image with size upto 50 KB )
Upload Student Signature / छात्र के हस्ताक्षर अपलोड करें *

( JPG,JPEG,GIF,PNG image with size upto 50 KB )
Declaration / घोषणा *
I, hereby declare that the particulars submitted by me in the online application form of acmtyoga are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of acmtyoga and also to the decision of MDEG regarding any action. I will not held MDEG responsible for any damages. I hereby accept that ,if the number of Candidates are less than minimum , acmtyoga can move my registration to the Second Preference City even after I submit the consent to First Preference City. I also declare that i am fit in physically and mentally for yoga courses.